Is There A Difference Between
A Golf instructor And A Golf Swing Coach?

There is a difference and that difference can have significant impact on your golf improvement. As I look at it, the difference between revolution and evolution is the difference between Golf Instructor and Golf Swing Coach. This may not make sense at first but consider the golf instructor and golf swing coach to be the same person, only at different phases of the instruction process.

Change Is Revolutionary

When a student first begins to work with a golf instructor, the student is given new information and is asked to make changes to their swing. This is the revolutionary stage, which can consist of intensely frustrating periods.

Refinement Is Evolutionary

After the revolutionary stage, the instruction gradually shifts from new information to refining the movements the student has already begun to learn. This is the evolutionary stage. In this stage the golf instructor transforms into the golf swing coach, focusing mostly on giving swing feedback with much less emphasis on teaching new information. The goal in this stage is to help the student develop a deeper understanding of the golf swing and, more importantly, to provide feedback that helps the golfer keep on track as they work to improve their swing.

It usually isn't until the student gets into the evolutionary stage that they begin to see significant benefits from their golf instruction. Once they reach this stage, they are working on things that they have already worked on before so it becomes less difficult and less frustrating.

Unfortunately, most people don't get to the evolutionary stage and the reason is far too many golfers expect to see quick improvement. Sorry, it generally doesn't happen that way.


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Casey Eberting Golf Instruction

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